Every year, we bring a world-renowned network of top autism professionals together for a multidisciplinary think tank: sharing resources, minimizing costs, and analyzing trends and treatments.
At our think tanks, each guest presents their current research work topics, problems they are having doing this work, and suggested partnerships that would make research solutions easier, more affordable, and better available to the autism community overall. We encourage researchers to share even their craziest ideas — the ones that “just might work” — and gain feedback from a respectable forum of people who share their goal of finding the cause and treatment of autism.
Research resources (tools and money) are always high in cost and short in supply for Autism Spectrum Disorders, so regularly checking-in with leaders in as many fields as possible helps keep a friendly conversation about sharing going. We all help one another, which makes our work produce faster, better results.
Our consortium is private because the ideas discussed are underdeveloped, and giving premature information to the autism community would hurt its members more now than it could potentially help them in the future. Donors can support this meeting in full confidence that we advance the state of the science behind closed-doors, in preparation for that day of a bigger information reveal.
From our trusted support, we have established many influential inter-consortium collaborations since our first think tank in 1996 and will continue this work as long as financially possible.
The Autism Research Foundation covers the expense of this Autism Research Consortium Think Tank so that the researchers do not spend any of their critical science funds on airline tickets, hotel rooms, presentation materials, or food. You can help us keep this event annual by making a donation today.