Fundraise & Fun-raise!

Fundraising is critical to our success as the first medically-accredited autism research charity in the world. We rely on funding to pay for the laboratory we conduct research in, the supplies we use in that same laboratory, and to invest in fundraising merchandise that helps us collect more donated dollars toward that work.

Most importantly, though, our families and individuals with autism rely on our fundraising to help offset the cost of inclusion programs — social therapies based on learning a fun activity with peers — that we are able to provide for a fraction of the cost of similar clinics.

Where the estimated lifetime cost of raising a child with autism is $3.2 million dollars, that’s a pretty important resource for parents.

When you help The Autism Research Foundation raise money, you help the charity focus more of its time on creating fun extracurricular activities, wholesome education, and social skill workshops that help improve an individual with autism’s quality of life – and their family’s. Thank you for choosing to help us!

Fundraising can be done in many ways, so here are some of our ideas to get you started:

  • Create your own fundraising page
  • Host a support meal – breakfast, lunch, or dinner
  • Suggest friends give a donation as a random act of kindness
  • Add a donation challenge to the family reunion, school field day, or workplace
  • Captain a team to run future Boston Marathons and other races
  • Ask a local store owner to donate a percentage of sales to autism with the sale of a particular product
  • Request gifts be made in your honor for a special occasion — like your birthday or a seasonal holiday!

Will you help us fundraise & fun-raise?

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theautismresearchfoundationFundraise & Fun-raise!